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Environment, resources

Australia has developed economically via the foreign currencies it has obtained through trade of primary commodities such as food and natural resources. As such, environmental/natural resource issues are taking on the utmost importance in the country’s economy and diplomatic relations. The drought, floods, and the like that have plagued the country every few years have managed to spiral the country’s economy into serious decline. Some argues that the populace is of the sentiment that lax efforts and measures on environmental issues, e.g., the issue of global warming, are the cause of these calamities. And, in fact, this sentiment has led to a change in the government administration. The Asia Pacific Community concept, which has come under the spotlight as of late, does not merely contain the ideas and proposals on free trade pacts to rival the EU or NAFTA, but also those pertaining to an environmental community. Starting with APEC, followed by GATT, and the WTO that ensued as a development thereof, over the years Australia has persistently taken the initiative on developing free trade. And, now today, it is once again truly taking the reins on this new issue in the form of the global environment and its natural resources. The sites introduced below indicated that most of the universities/research institutes put a lot of their own resources into the issue of environment/natural resources, and they can be used for obtaining all the latest information. [Editorial supervisor: KAGATSUME, Masaru]

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