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  • 追手門学院大学オーストラリア・ライブラリー
  • オーストラリア論文データベース(オーストラリア・ライブラリー)
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  • 追手門学院大学附属図書館
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Geography, tourism

There are basically three reasons for searching geography and tourism items: 1) One wants to obtain practical knowledge regarding geography and tourism, 2) One wants to obtain primary-source materials, such as maps, aerial photographs, and statistical data, in order to prepare/write a geographical paper, and 3) One wants to know about the latest geographical research regarding Australia.
If the above-mentioned 1), it is probably a good idea to initially begin with sites in Japanese. If looking up maps, Google maps, particularly ones that show the location names in katakana, are convenient to use. With regard to 2), I have not listed everything, but the Australian Bureau of Statistics (002) and each of the respective ministries/offices in the state governments have their own accumulation of detailed statistical data. As for 3), I suggest you search the contents page of two academic periodicals for papers: Geographical Research [Institute of Australian Geographers (017)] and Australian Geographer [Geographical Society of New South Wales Inc. (018)]. It can also allow for an understanding of the trends among researchers. [Editorial supervisor: YOSHIDA, Michiyo / MINAMIDE, Shinsuke]

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